Remove Carpet Awful Odor

You suddenly realize one day when you go home and open the door – a bad odor you’ve never found before. Could that be your carpet? If you haven’t cleaned your carpet lately with the help of northern beaches carpet cleaning, or if the carpet is rarely sun-dried, it can be a source of the odor. You can go out to buy a carpet odor remover that is circulating in many minimarkets or stores nearby, but many of them are full of chemicals that might trigger allergic reactions. Commercial fragrances can also be expensive. Fortunately, there are other options for carpet odor removers that may not require a special shopping trip, and they use materials that you might already have.

Before you use any product for your carpet, consult with your carpet manufacturer to see how to care for the special carpet you have. If you don’t know who the maker is or whether you are not sure what type of carpet you have, always test the product in a small area (preferably in an invisible place, such as in a corner or under large furniture) before it is widely applied. When your carpet begins to smell as unusual as it should, here are some natural DIY carpet deodorizers that you might want to try.

First, baking soda. You will probably need a large box to clean the carpet or to move baking soda to a container with a perforated lid for even protection. Shake the baking soda evenly on the carpet. Begin you apply the application to the carpet. Then, put baking soda into the carpet fiber as deep as possible, using a brush, broom with your fingertips. Now, let baking soda settle on the carpet as long as possible, even overnight if necessary. Clean the carpet thoroughly. You can repeat the baking soda carpet cleaning process as often as needed. If you prefer to add a little deodorizer, mix a few drops of your favorite essential oil into baking soda before applying it to the carpet. Some good deodorizing options are orange oil, such as lemon, orange or lime, as well as lavender, peppermint, rosemary, cinnamon, or eucalyptus.
90 Mona Vale Rd, Warriewood NSW 2102
(02) 8311 0608

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